媒体发布 中欧关系战略风险 赢得社会许可 Western elite poorly convey China’s values 中国,带上自己的故事走出去 CPC values can grow SOE responsibility Party supervision can keep reputation of State enterprises intact abroad 中国国企不能盲从西方价值观 中国梦的实际应用 Protectionism shows US fears of strengthened Chinese competition 将“中国梦”注入“中国制造” 中国公司亟需一个中国梦 China needs to sell its dreams to an increasingly skeptical world Cultural comfort zone leaves China in cold – Global Times West sniffing unfairly at Chinese takeover bids Overseas ventures need support from foreign public Chinese officials take on media challenges “一带一路”是国际版的“中国梦”