Think Tanks & NGO
Think Tanks face risks.
Think Tanks are important to the public diplomacy efforts of China to gain influence around the world. Think Tanks, just like other Chinese actors, such as companies doing Go Out strategy, also face strategic risks.
A Think Tank’s credibility is its brand.
A Think Tank’s intellectual credibility and contribution are its brand. Its ability to influence the debates about the subjects that humanity cares about very much depend on the brand.
Think tanks and NPOs need effective communication.
As important as the intellectual output and good actions of such organizations are, think tanks and NGOs need effective communication strategies to highlight their own relevance and bring the vital nature of their work to the media and a wider audience.
We work with the best think tanks in China.
China-i has worked with some of the most prestigious think tanks in China, both as a strategic adviser and a contributor.
China-i is proud to have been named Strategic Communication Adviser of the China Development Research Foundation. We recently collaborated on the content, communication and branding of CDRF’s Early Child Development Conference 21-24 October 2015 in Beijing, as well as on the prestigious China Development Forum, March 2016.