Our Vision
We believe Chinese clients need a New Strategic Risk Management Model.
We believe that Chinese companies are the global leaders of the future but they face unique risks Wholesale NHL Jerseys that have never been faced before. This is because the global economy is based on a primarily Western model. Chinese companies cannot copy foreign solutions because they don’t work well, if at all, for Chinese companies. We believe Chinese clients need Chinese solutions to the problems they face internationally. China Inc. does not deserve second-hand solutions. It deserves solutions based cheap football jerseys on its values and suited to its management style.
We believe both China and the World need Chinese global brands.
How many Chinese major infrastructure or extractive projects are globally recognised as case studies of good governance, social harmony and good balance between profit and social acceptance and environmental impact? How many foreigners dream of buying a made in China phone or brag about their latest Chinese red wine acquisition? How many foreigners want to open accounts with Chinese banks abroad?
China-i helps its clients succeed internationally by giving them positive brands that are hard wired into wholesale jerseys 2021 the company’s cultures. Our clients have become global trailblazers because they can answer the above questions and many, many more positively. Chinese products have changed the world. Chinese brands will change all our lives for the better.
We believe all brands need emotional communication.
Chinese people are some of the best storytellers in the world, so we help them unleash their storytelling power onto the world. This is because we too have some cheap nfl jerseys 2021 of the best storytellers. Stories make the ultimate emotional connection when they make Wholesale Stitched NHL Patch people dream of possibilities. We shall make your Chinese Dream come true because your dream is also our dream. We help clients identify the best of themselves and turn into an irresistible story based on values and truth. Welcome to the Emo.Con™ Lab.
We believe China needs an advisory company that serves only China.
We believe China needs an advisory firm on its side that sees the world from china’s point of view, understands China’s conditions and works for China’s interests. At China-i, we only focus on and serve Chinese clients. Others may cheap nfl jersey give China a branch or a regional HQ. We give China our main HQ. Our heart is in China, our offices are all over the world serving China and Chinese clients wherever they may be. We’re not neutral.