Media Coverage 2020-8-12 Traditional business thinking is failing us - Here’s how Asia can lead in developing a sustainability mindset for enterprise 2017-05-17 国际商报:“一带一路”让世界感受中国诚意 2017-05-17 走出去企业要注重抓住民心 2017-05-15 CGTN - CLOSER TO BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE WITH R.L 2017-05-15 CHINA-INDIA DIALOGUE - RESPECTING OTHER COUNTRIES’ CIVILIZATION IS IMPORTANT 2017-05-14 全球嘉宾热议习近平“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛演讲 2017-05-14 “一带一路”是国际版的“中国梦” 2016-09-26一带一路战略构想下中国参与者须加大交流-中国网 2016-05-13 THE FOREIGNER ADVISING BEIJING ON PROPAGANDA - WSJ 2016-01-21 莫用简单泛化的标签看埃及 2016-01-19 一个埃及裔英国商人的中国梦 2015-12-13 中欧关系的战略风险 2015-12-6 The‘social license’ to do business – Shanghai Daily 2015-10-25 Western elite poorly convey China’s values 2015-10-22 中国,带上自己的故事走出去 2015-3-23 CPC values can grow SOE responsibility 2015-3-10 Party supervision can keep reputation of State enterprises intact abroad 2015-3-6 中国国企不能盲从西方价值观 2013-12-5 中国梦的实际应用 2013-5-16 Protectionism shows US fears of strengthened Chinese competition 2013-5-15 将“中国梦”注入“中国制造” 2013-5-15 中国公司亟需一个中国梦 2013-5-14 China needs to sell its dreams to an increasingly skeptical world 2011-10-26 Cultural comfort zone leaves China in cold – Global Times 2011-6-29 West sniffing unfairly at Chinese takeover bids 2011-6-21 Overseas ventures need support from foreign public 2010-9-25 Chinese officials take on media challenges